InAWS TipbySatyajit RoySRE/DevOps Interview Questions — Linux TroubleshootingI have been on both side of the table as interviewer and as interviewee for DevOps and SRE Roles. This blog I am trying to share some of…Apr 8, 20223Apr 8, 20223
Md. Ishraque Bin ShafiqueThe Linux Boot ProcessFrom the time the power button is pushed, till the Welcome Screen is displayedJan 8, 20224Jan 8, 20224
kloudvmSimple Bash Script to Monitor CPU, Memory and Disk Usage on Linux in 10 Lines of CodeMonitoring our environment is crucial especially when deploying a new application. Nowadays, companies use open source solutions to monitor…Nov 9, 20211Nov 9, 20211
InInfoSec Write-upsbySecurity Lit LimitedSecuring your Linux server with these best practicesIntroductionFeb 22, 20226Feb 22, 20226
InCodeXbySecurity Lit LimitedSecuring Your Linux Server Part IIWe have already read different types of countermeasures we can take in order to secure our server. There are some different countermeasures…Feb 25, 2022Feb 25, 2022
Radu ZahariaSending files to trash from the Linux terminalIt’s easy to remove files from the Linux terminal: just use the almighty rm. But how do file explorers work when they send deleted files to…Feb 24, 2022Feb 24, 2022